I love the wildflowers! They have been especially pretty this year. Today on my usual walk around our neighborhood, I took my camera to take pictures of the ones I saw. I love close-ups. Who would have thought there's so much detail in each type of flower, the centers, the colors, the intricate designs "painted" into the petals.
God speaks to me in nature, the works of His hands, His creations. I often think that God didn't have to put wildflowers here, seeds scattered by His hands and cared for by Him. But He did. And He didn't have to make so many different kinds and so many different colors, shape, sizes. But He did. And He didn't have to add so much detail to each and every one to make them special and unique. But He did....
What an awesome, creative, and beautiful God!
"Come and see what God has done, how awesome his works in man's behalf!" Psalm 66:5